Politics of Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Source: kasapafmonline.com

Gunshots at NPP Ledzokuku constituency meeting

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Firing of gun shots reportedly filled the air during the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Ledzokuku constituency general meeting on Sunday after chaos ensued between party members who had gathered at the event.

There was confusion after a group of party supporters who are campaigning for the Constituency Youth Organizer Dennis Tetteh, to be appointed the Municipal Chief Executive allegedly tried to attack the Member of Parliament for the area, Dr Okoe Boye, whom they believe is against the former’s efforts to become MCE.

Following the melee that ensued, a party member who’s sympathetic to the MP reportedly fired warning shots in an attempt to ward off the attackers.

The MP, Dr Okoe Boye has since confirmed the incident but was quick to add that though he heard sounds of what was thought to be gunshots he was unable to confirm that.

According to him, he has no preference in who becomes the MCE, saying he’s prepared to work with whoever emerges the political head of Lezdokuku.

The selection processes for the screening of candidates for the positions of Municipal and District Chief Executives in the Greater Accra Region have been characterized by controversies over who is more acceptable for the position in various municipalities and districts.

There has been intense lobbying for the positions with some candidates coming under heavy pressure because they are perceived not to have contributed much to the party’s campaign ahead of the December 7 elections.

Although the names of Municipal and District Chief Executives are yet to be announced, some constituencies are vehemently opposing leading names that have been dropped into the public domain.